Let's Talk Legal: Responsibilities of a Clerk of Court

February 4, 2025 | Cecil Harvell

Cecil Harvell and Wes Collins discussed the responsibilities of the clerk of court in North Carolina, highlighting that the clerk has significant legal discretion and acts as a decision-maker in various legal matters, including estate administration and guardianship cases. They emphasized the importance of having proper legal documentation in place to avoid conflicts and delays in decision-making. The conversation also touched on the transition to an e-filing system in the court, which will change how legal documents are submitted and processed.

Election and Responsibilities

  • Each of North Carolina's 100 counties has an elected clerk of court, who does not need to be a lawyer. The current clerk of court in Carteret County is Ken Raper, noted for his excellence. The clerk's role includes overseeing legal matters and making decisions in various substantive areas of law. [01:00]

Legal Authority of the Clerk

  • The clerk of court holds original jurisdiction over estate matters, guardianships, and property partitioning, acting similarly to a judge in these cases. This contrasts with many other states that have separate probate judges. [02:30]

Estate Matters and Disputes

  • In estate matters, the clerk can make initial decisions without a jury, and contested issues can be heard by an assistant clerk designated for estate matters. The clerk's role is crucial in resolving disputes, such as guardianship for minors after the loss of parents. [04:00]

Appeal Process

  • The appeal process from the clerk's decisions varies. Appeals typically go to the Superior Court, which reviews the clerk's decisions for abuse of discretion. In some cases, a de novo hearing allows for new evidence to be presented. [12:00]

Evidence Presentation

  • During hearings before the clerk, evidence is presented, and the rules of evidence are somewhat relaxed compared to jury trials. The clerk is more lenient in accepting evidence, allowing for a broader range of information to be considered. [16:00]

Administrative Duties

  • The clerk of court is responsible for jury summoning and organization, highlighting the administrative aspect of the role. The position requires managing a busy courthouse environment, ensuring security and efficiency. [20:00]

Transition to E-Filing

  • The clerk's office is transitioning to an e-filing system, which will change how documents are submitted and processed. This shift is expected to have initial challenges but aims to streamline operations in the long run. [24:00]

Importance of Proper Documentation

  • Emphasis was placed on the importance of having proper legal documentation, such as wills, to guide the clerk's decisions in sensitive matters like guardianship. Proper documentation can prevent conflicts and expedite processes. [28:00]

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Let's Talk Legal: Responsibilities of a Clerk of Court
Cecil S. Harvell Martindale AV Rated
About the Author
Cecil S. Harvell is AV Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rated in the areas of Trusts and Estates, General Practice, and Aged and Aging. Mr. Harvell is a native of Morehead City, North Carolina and was admitted to the Georgia State Bar in 1983 and admitted to the North Carolina State Bar in 1987. Read More

Wesley A. Collins Martindale AV Rated
Wesley A. Collins is AV Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rated. Wesley A. Collins is a native of Kinston, North Carolina and was admitted to the North Carolina State Bar in 2000. Mr. Collins was admitted to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina in 2002. Mr. Collins is also a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Read More
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